Consulting Services
Learning Gardens & Food Forests
Enhancing the school campus to improve food security, biodiversity, soil health and provide a space for climate resilient learning.
A three week design process involving all stakeholders to identify community needs, wants and budget for creating a vegetable garden and perennial food forest or improving an existing garden and/or food forest. A full design of identified space will be provided with seasonal action steps, plant list and possible curriculum integrations. Option to stay on as a consultant throughout the year as the seasons change to monitor the space and use of space by teachers and students.

Whole School Sustainability
A deep inquiry into the school curriculum, classroom, campus and culture through the lens of environmental and social sustainability
A three week audit of whole school practices through the lens of sustainability. The sustainability audit will be of the curriculum, culture and campus operations and include interviews with administration, faculty, kitchen & maintenance staff, students and parent committees Following an inquiry into the curriculum, classroom practices and daily operations, a written report of the audit will be provided that highlights success and provides action points for areas of improvement.

Educating for Sustainability
Enhancing the curriculum to develop eco literacy & student agency
An inquiry into the school curriculum, teaching and learning through the lens of environmental and social sustainability
A one week observation of school curriculum and teaching practices through the lens of sustainability. Observations will include classroom visits, interviews with faculty and students and assessment of taught curriculum. A written report of observations will be provided that highlights success and provides action points for areas of improvement.

Creating a Culture of Sustainability
An inquiry into the school culture and events through the lens of environmental and social sustainability.
A one week observation that inquiries into the school culture, curricular and non-curricular events through the lens of sustainability. Interviews with all key stakeholders will be conducted and daily interactions of how people interact with the school environment and current campus systems will be observed. A written report of observations will be provided that highlights success and provides key action points for areas of improvement.

Sustainable School Campus Design
An inquiry into the school campus and daily operations through the lens of sustainability
A one week observation of school grounds, campus systems, and daily operations through the lens of sustainability. Observations will include interviews with faculty, students and staff. A written report of observations will be provided that highlights success and provides action points for areas of improvement.